It all started during the fall semester of my sophomore year of college. I was broke, stressed, and cold, I hated my internship, I was exhausted with my school schedule, and I didn’t quite know it yet, but my apartment didn’t have nearly enough natural light to support a living human. I was suffocating in my back-to-back schedule of nothingness on top of my pre-existing anxiety disorder.

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stop limiting yourself to who you think you are + where you think you should be

In my 20 years of living, I have been a shit ton of different people. If it’s taught me anything, it’s that you cannot force yourself into any one category or lifestyle or belief because humans are ever-changing. You will regret forcing yourself into such a rigid stereotype once you realize you’re changing. Be open to any possibilities.

Continue reading “stop limiting yourself to who you think you are + where you think you should be”

my current playlist

It has literally been a millennium since I last posted on my blog, so I decided to revive it with my current music playlist! Some songs are old as the hills and some are newer, but either way, this is an alphabetical list of songs I’ve been really into lately. If we have similar tastes, feel free to recommend some songs to me in the comments because I love finding new music.

Don’t forget to subscribe to me on YouTube, follow me on Instagram, and add me on Snapchat (miafreda) to see actual updates on my daily life.

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making friends at FIT: the reality

After making a few videos regarding my experience at the Fashion Institute of Technology on my YouTube channel, my subscriber count has basically grown to become an FIT fan base. The school has a pretty big reputation of being the typical fashion student’s “dream school,” so I don’t blame you guys for seeking answers to your seething questions that the school website just can’t answer.

“Is it hard to make friends at FIT?”

That’s one of the most common questions I seem to get when people reach out to me for advice. It’s also one of the questions I have the hardest time answering. I don’t think this one question is worthy of an entire video, so I decided to make a blog post about it. Keep reading to find out my thoughts. 👀

Continue reading “making friends at FIT: the reality”

interview w/ deidre hunsinger: the ins and outs of being a teen mom

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing an old friend of mine, Deidre, about how her life has changed since giving birth to her son at the age of 17. Moms amaze me to begin with, but I have always especially admired the strength of young ones. I hope her story can inspire some of you, because I know it inspired me!

Continue reading “interview w/ deidre hunsinger: the ins and outs of being a teen mom”

interview w/ kat lin: working backstage + life-changing surgery

I’m back with another interview! This one is with my good friend, Kat, whom I thought would have some very interesting things to say at this particular point in her life. She struck me as a good person to interview because she has a super cool career and recently underwent a life-changing surgery. Below, you will find what she had to say about both!

Continue reading “interview w/ kat lin: working backstage + life-changing surgery”

interview: armani faison, hair stylist

Hey guys! I’m back with another interview. By the way, I need help thinking of a clever name for this series! Let me know if you have any ideas.

I go to school with Armani and upon finding her Instagram account dedicated to hair, I was really impressed with her talent. Below you can find some examples of her work, as well as her interview! Enjoy.

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interview: samantha carly, freelance certified makeup artist and hairstylist

Hi guys! I apologize for my absence on here lately. I’ve been super busy with school and work, but I am happy to announce that I’ll be starting (and actually sticking with) a new blog series starting today!

My favorite part of meeting someone new has always been getting to know them and learning all about their life. It’s fascinating to me that every human we meet can have different passions, interests, and talents. I figured there’s no better way to indulge in that passion than starting a new series where I interview people, get the inside scoop on their lives, and share it with my readers, so we can all indulge in learning about someone new.

For my first post of the series, I decided to interview a good friend of mine, Sam. I want to give her a shoutout for being my Guinea pig! Sam is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. Her work really inspires me, so I thought it would be perfectly fitting to feature her on my blog. Below is what came out of it.

As for future posts, I plan to interview not only people in the beauty-sphere, but people in all different career paths and of all different interests and hobbies.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it. Be sure to let me know your feedback, and don’t forget to check out Sam’s work!

Continue reading “interview: samantha carly, freelance certified makeup artist and hairstylist”

weekly fashion finds #1

I’m starting a new series on my blog called Weekly Fashion Finds where I’ll compile some of my favorite pieces I’ve found by looking up outfits via the Screenshop app.

(Screenshop is a high-tech fashion app that allows you to screenshot any outfit picture on the Internet, upload it to the app, and find instant matches for the articles of clothing shown in the picture. The app provides you with both affordable and high-end options, so every budget is accommodated for!)

Download Screenshop with my link! http://getscreenshop.com/miafrda

Continue reading “weekly fashion finds #1”